How Vaccines Alter Intimate Relationships and Gender Identity

Exploring the links between vaccination, human connection, autism, and sexual orientation.


Story at a Glance:
•For over a century, a large volume of evidence has been compiled showing that vaccination can cause a wide range of disorders (e.g., autism and middle ear infections—both of which will be explored in detail here), many of which are neurological or autoimmune in nature.

•What’s less appreciated is the myriad of subtle personality effects vaccination can create, many of which are observed after cases of infectious encephalitis, and previously were labeled as “minimal brain damage” by America’s health authorities.
•In the previous article I reviewed how those changes can give rise to ADHD, impulsivity, and violent or sociopathic behavior. In this article, I will instead focus on how they create many of the disconnections which make romantic partners so difficult to be with and how they can alter one’s sexual identity.
Note: in my initial polling, I found women who were old enough to know men before and after the most problematic vaccine rolled out witnessed the changes I described, and I would thus greatly appreciate if you could provide your input as well.
One of the few things which is more controversial than linking vaccination to autism is linking vaccination to transgenderism, and for that reason, I’ve avoided discussing the topic. Recently however Steve Kirsch (a friend whom I owe for a debt of gratitude to for creating this publication) contacted me and asked me to debate his data which strongly supported the connection between vaccination and transgenderism. After doing so, I then agreed to write an article on it, so here I will attempt to provide a balanced perspective on this complex question.
From my exploration of this subject, I found that there is a large degree of evidence which makes a compelling argument in support of Steve’s contention but very little direct evidence in support of it. As such, this is an area which clearly requires more research, and it is likewise doubtful that will ever be conducted within academia.

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