Lucia Sinatra

Lucia Sinatra is a retired corporate securities attorney. After becoming a mother, Lucia turned her attention to fighting inequities in public schools in California for students with learning disabilities. In Spring of 2021, when over 1000 colleges announced they were implementing some of the most strict and oppressive COVID policies ever declared, she could not sit silent.  She was called to action to help college students (she has two of her own) fight these tyrannical policies.  Shortly after COVID-19 vaccine mandates were announced, she co-founded to help fight and end college vaccine mandates for all students.  

While the fight continues, as of today, there remain only 30 colleges with COVID-19 vaccines mandates.  Her organization has accomplished much but it is not over for this pandemic and the ongoing need to protect medical freedom and informed consent for college students everywhere. She can be found on Twitter @NCM4Ever on GETTR @NoCollegeMandates and on Truth Social @freecollegekids and by email at:

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