Classic Takes: Project Veritas Confirms My Reporting On Dr. Fauci & DARPAA 2022 DARPA report shows that the U.S. government has lied to the American people for years about everything related to COVID


Author’s Note: In light of the fact that Peter Daszak was just forced to testify before Congressthat the CIA and other intelligence agencies contacted him regarding his dangerous research work, it’s time to revisit my important 2022 article exposing Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance as American intelligence proxies which was widely denounced by corporate media whores as “misinformation” and a “conspiracy theory” at the time.

Project Veritas released a trove of documents that originated from DARPA — which is the secret research & development wing of the U.S. military. The military documents directly contradict Dr. Fauci’s testimony under oath to Congress regarding “gain of function” bioweapons research — and reveal much more.

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