Data Show Nearly 2 Million Adverse Events, 37,600 Deaths Following COVID Vaccination

Data Show Nearly 2 Million Adverse Events, 37,600 Deaths Following COVID VaccinationLatest CDC data on adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination show nearly 2 million adverse events and tens of thousands of deaths.Megan RedshawAccording to data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) released Friday, 1,640,416 adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were reported between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 31, 2024. This includes 315,280 reports of serious injuries and 37,647 deaths.VAERS, established in 1990, monitors the safety of vaccines after they are licensed for use in the United States. Managed jointly by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and FDA, VAERS collects and analyzes data on adverse events that occur after the administration of vaccines and serves as an early warning system to detect potential safety concerns.According to the CDC, the VAERS data we see only include initial reports to VAERS. Any updates or corrections to reports during follow-up are used by the government for analysis but are not made publically available. This means we might see initial reports for very serious adverse events that result in death, but the death won’t be included in the numbers we see.Of the 37,647 reported deaths, 23,419 cases are attributed to Pfizer, 10,951 to Moderna, 2,882 to Johnson & Johnson, 5 to Novavax, and 69 to unknown. (Numerous deaths have been removed from VAERS from VAERS.)

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