Talk to the One who will listen

The author of this essay suffered the tragedy of losing a child.

In spite of her horrific pain, she is able to articulate how difficult it is to talk of his death, and move through it.

The fact of the matter is that grief specialists, support groups, family, and friends can only help you so much. The death of anybody – but especially a child – is an enormous shock, and can leave a void in the lives of many people. Each person needs to deal with that hole, somehow.

She bravely reaches out to the only One who has no void, and who can be there for her completely and selflessly – God. In doing so, her own void starts to become filled.

She was never really alone.

Today, many people – especially young people – feel very alienated. They are suffering extreme loneliness. We must guide them to reach out to the One who is always there for them. They will feel the hope they need.


“It seems the only one who really wants to talk with me about Jacob is God. He’s always there for me. He’s never too busy to listen to my complaints and crying. My child is His child, and He feels my loss. He talks to me too, and if I listen, I can hear him. It’s not like I hear voices or anything. It’s just that sometimes, some comforting thought pops into my head. I know He put that thought in there.

Sometimes I vent my frustrations and cry, as I pour out my heart to Him. I can talk to Him like I would talk to a friend or a parent. After all, He is our Heavenly Father.”

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