“With this you shall know that the Lord sent me to do all these deeds, for I did not devise them myself.”

Truth Over Tyranny: Biblical wisdom for defeating the Technocrats.
These are my insights for defeating the Transhumanist Technocracy movement, based on the teachings of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, of blessed memory, on the weekly Bible portion.

In his commentary on Parashat Korach called “When Truth is Sacrificed to Power,” Rabbi Jonathan talks about a political rebellion led by Korach, that took place in Biblical times. His insights into this ancient insurgency can be readily applied to the Technocrat-led insurgencies of today. Let’s take a look at them.

He starts out by highlighting the duplicity of Korach and his fellow rebels in challenging the leadership of Moses and Aaron, when the Jews were heading towards the Promised Land:

“What was wrong with the actions of Korach and his fellow rebels? On the face of it, what they said was both true and principled.

“’You have gone too far,’ they said to Moses and Aaron.’ ‘All of the community is holy, every one of them, and the Lord is with them. Why then do you set yourselves above the Lord’s people?’
Num. 16:3–4

“…What was wrong with Korach’s statement was that even at the outset it was obvious that he was duplicitous. There was a clear disconnection between what he claimed to want and what he really sought. Korach did not seek a society in which everyone was the same, everyone the Priests. He was not as he sounded, a utopian anarchist seeking to abolish hierarchy altogether. He was, instead, mounting a leadership challenge. As Moses’ later words to him indicate, he wanted to be High Priest himself. He was Moses’ and Aaron’s cousin, son of Yitzhar, the brother of Moses’ and Aaron’s father Amram, and he therefore felt it unfair that both leadership positions had gone to a single family within the clan. He claimed to want equality. In fact what he wanted was power.”

This is the same duplicity demonstrated by the perpetrators of the Color Revolutions by the Technocrats in America, Israel, Brazil, Ukraine, and elsewhere. They proclaim dedication to “preserving Democracy;” in actuality, they are rigging elections to install their own cronies.

They claim they will serve “all the people,” but in reality, they seek power to enrich only themselves.

Rabbi Sacks then shows how the instigators of the Biblical power grab made an unholy alliance with other aggrieved groups:

“…There were two other groups involved: the Reubenites, Datham and Aviram, formed one group, and ‘two hundred and fifty Israelite men, leaders of the community, chosen from the assembly, men of repute,’ were the other. (Num. 16:2) They too had their grievances. The Reubenites were aggrieved that as descendants of Jacob’s firstborn, they had no special leadership roles. According to Ibn Ezra, the two hundred and fifty ‘men of rank’ were upset that, after the sin of the Golden Calf, leadership had passed from the firstborn within each tribe to the single tribe of Levi.

“They were an unholy alliance, and bound to fail, since their claims conflicted. If Korach achieved his ambition of becoming High Priest, the Reubenites and the men of rank would have been disappointed. Had the Reubenites won, Korach and the men of rank would have been disappointed. Had the men of rank achieved their ambition, Korach and the Reubenites would be left dissatisfied. The disordered, fragmented narrative sequence in this chapter is a case of style mirroring substance. This was a disordered, confused rebellion whose protagonists were united only in their desire to overthrow the existing leadership.”

The insurrectionists of today also comprise an unholy alliance. The Transhumanist Technocrats have banded together with the Globalists, Marxists, and Communists, to try to take over the governments of free societies. They each feel in some way entitled to rule. They have united only in the cause of assuming power over the people of those countries.

And like their Biblical ancestors, Korach and Company, they are also destined to fail. Why? Their arguments to justify their cause are not based on truth. They are not rightly based or constructive. This is how Rabbi Sacks characterizes such an argument:

“… An argument for the sake of Heaven is one that is about truth. An argument not for the sake of Heaven is about power. The difference is immense. In a contest for power, if I lose, I lose. But if I win, I also lose, because in diminishing my opponents I have diminished myself. If I argue for the sake of truth, then if I win, I win. But if I lose, I also win, because being defeated by the truth is the only defeat that is also a victory. I am enlarged. I learn something I did not know before.”

And what happens when the rebels subordinate the truth to their quest for power?  What happens when they conspire to conceal the truth, ignore the truth, and distort the truth, in order to grab power?

Those who take a righteous stand for truth — who appeal to God for help in making their point — ultimately prevail:

From the Parsha, Numbers 16.28 – 33:

28 Moses said, “With this you shall know that the Lord sent me to do all these deeds, for I did not devise them myself.

29 If these men die as all men die and the fate of all men will be visited upon them, then the Lord has not sent me.

30 But if the Lord creates a creation, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them and all that is theirs, and they descend alive into the grave, you will know that these men have provoked the Lord.”

31 As soon as he finished speaking all these words, the earth beneath them split open.

32 The earth beneath them opened its mouth and swallowed them and their houses, and all the men who were with Korah and all the property.

33 They, and all they possessed, descended alive into the grave; the earth covered them up, and they were lost to the assembly.

Rabbis Sacks points out that the attempt to subordinate truth to the quest for power, is characteristic of Marxism and other totalitarian movements:

“One of the aftermaths of Marxism, persisting in such movements as postmodernism and post-colonialism, is the idea that there is no such thing as truth. There is only power. The prevailing ‘discourse’ in a society represents, not the way things are, but the way the ruling power (the hegemon) wants things to be. All reality is ‘socially constructed’ to advance the interests of one group or another. The result is a ‘hermeneutics of suspicion,’ in which we no longer listen to what anyone says; we merely ask, what interest are they trying to advance. Truth, they say, is merely the mask worn to disguise the pursuit of power. To overthrow a ‘colonial’ power, you have to invent your own ‘discourse,’ your own ‘narrative,’ and it does not matter whether it is true or false. All that matters is that people believe it.”

We can see that this is the exact strategy of the Technocrats. They propagandize their own narratives:

“The Covid vaccine is safe and effective;”

“You can change your biological sex;”

“The 2020 election was the most secure election in American history;”

And many others.

Rabbi Sacks shows us that the treatment of Israel is a prime example of this strategy:

“That is what is now happening in the campaign against Israel on campuses throughout the world, and in the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement in particular.[1] Like the Korach rebellion, it brings together people who have nothing else in common. Some belong to the far left, a few to the far right; some are anti-globalists, while some are genuinely concerned with the plight of the Palestinians. Driving it all, however, are people who on theological and political grounds are opposed to the existence of Israel within any boundaries whatsoever, and are equally opposed to democracy, free speech, freedom of information, religious liberty, human rights, and the sanctity of life. What they have in common is a refusal to give the supporters of Israel a fair hearing – thus flouting the fundamental principle of justice, expressed in Roman law in the phrase Audi alteram partem, ‘Hear the other side.’”

And that it embodies the spirit of Korach:

“The flagrant falsehoods it sometimes utters – that Israel was not the birthplace of the Jewish people, that there never was a Temple in Jerusalem, that Israel is a ‘colonial’ power, a foreign transplant alien to the Middle East – rival the claims of Datan and Aviram that Egypt was a land flowing with milk and honey and that Moses brought the people out solely in order to kill them in the desert. Why bother with truth when all that matters is power? Thus the spirit of Korach lives on.”

There is no doubt that the spirit of Korach lives on in the Technocrats. 

In my view, the persecution of the Jews and the State of Israel by the Leftists today, is a microcosm of what the Technocrats want to do to the entire free world. They want to remove all semblance of independent nation states — no national borders, no national sovereignty, no national culture.

But those of us committed to freedom can take heart from the lesson of the Parsha: 

“With this you shall know that the Lord sent me to do all these deeds, for I did not devise them myself.” 
Numbers 16.28

We stand for what is Right and Just. We are following the Way of the Lord, not our own quest for power. That is how Moses defeated Korach. And that is how we shall defeat the Technocrats.

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