Aborted Fetal Cells in Vaccines (what this REALLY means is, babies were born alive & organs removed while they were alive to get these cells, murdering them, YES IT’S TRUE) Human cell lines from murdered babies are in the Hep A, MMR, chickenpox, shingles, covid vaccines, and more.

Because living tissue is needed for the primary culture, these abortions are often done by the “water bag” method which delivers the fetuses (between 2-4 months gestation) alive. (Limbs, organs, and tissues from aborted fetuses are also a mainstay of modern medical research.) Included in vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, shingles, rotavirus, adenovirus and rabies are human DNA fragments …[17]
Not only are the babies delivered alive, horrifically, their organs are often removed when they are still alive.[18] This is how they got the HEK293 kidney cells used in the manufacture of the vaccines and why Pfizer wanted it to remain a secret:
The details of HEK293’s brutal – and from all appearances, until very recently, largely undisclosed – origins explain the company’s deep discomfort. Contrary to nearly a half-century of misrepresentation and obfuscation, HEK293’s creation did NOT arise from an “abortion” as everyday people understand it.

To harvest a viable embryonic kidney … sufficiently healthy children old enough to have adequately-developed kidneys must be removed from the womb, alive, typically by cesarean section, and have their kidneys cut out. This must take place without anesthesia for the child, which would lessen the viability of the organs.

The deliberate killing of an unwanted child (a little girl, in the case of HEK 293) took place in the tortuous manner it did precisely to obtain her organs for research. The harvest of her organs was the direct cause of her death, prior to which, she was a living child, outside the womb.[19]
The vaccines were made by destroying lives in the most brutal way and the use of these vaccines seriously harm many who have received them, even though the damage may not be recognized as such.

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