Alex Jones Was Right

By Raw Egg Nationalist

It’s been over eight years since Alex Jones had his infamous “gay frogs rant” live on air. A meme was born—and a very serious issue all but died. And that’s a real shame, because Alex Jones was right.

Until now, that is. Now there’s a study that directly links exposure to endocrine disruptors to transgenderism. The study is published in the Journal of Xenobiotics, and it considers the effects of exposure to the chemical diethylstilbestrol (DES) on the rate of transgenderism among French boys. The study’s authors discovered that boys exposed to DES in utero were perhaps as much as 100 times more likely to become male-to-female transgender than the highest reported background rate across Europe. Reliable figures for the number of transgender people as a percentage of the population vary wildly, so the actual increase in risk due to exposure to DES could be even higher.

Although DES has been banned in the US since the year 2000, it was used for decades to treat a wide variety of women’s ailments, from vaginitis to menopause, and, most importantly, it was given during pregnancy to a large number of women with a history of miscarriage to reduce the risk of further complications. It’s estimated that between 1938 and 1971, four million pregnant women were given DES in the US alone. DES was also given to livestock to fatten them for market, and it was even used as a form of chemical castration to “treat” homosexuality, its most famous victim in that regard being the cryptographer Alan Turing, who was forced to take DES not long before his death in suspicious circumstances.

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