Angela Reading

Amidst the unpredictability of life’s journey, I find my foundation in being a mother, wife, daughter, and friend. These roles are my steadfast anchor in chaos and the driving force behind my advocacy for positive change, the rights of every American, and the safety and well-being of our children.

Dedicated to public education for over a decade, I’ve worn many hats—teacher, administrator, and member of both county and regional school boards. Armed with a law degree, a master’s in educational leadership, and numerous certifications, I have been privileged to experience a myriad of opportunities for leadership and learning. A defining element of my journey has been my fervent advocacy for the rights of children and their families, championing their voices in the pivotal conversations that shape their educational journeys.

I often perceive my story as a simple one—a concerned mom who took to Facebook to voice worries about her children’s exposure to inappropriate content. However, this small ripple created waves, placing me at the forefront of a fight for First Amendment rights and parental voice in the public education system. I have encountered the chill of government censorship and am now stepping into the legal battleground to ensure our protected speech remains free from unwarranted suppression.

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