Another week, another 57 Americans reported dead to VAERS (v64 last week) amongst 1,841 adverse events (v 1,691 last week)Peter Halligan

The latest update for deaths and injuries reported to the European adverse events reporting system maintained by the EMA, EUDRA, to 25 February 2023 is here:
50,663 DEAD and 5,315,063 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions – Vaccine Impact
For the US only, assuming an Under-Reporting Factor (URF) of 40, this would represent 680,960 deaths amongst 37.6 million adverse events. Globally, deaths for companies subject to CDC/FDA reporting to the US VAERS would be 1,383,040 amongst adverse events of 61.1 million injuries.
672 million doses have been administered in the US and 13.32 billion doses globally.
Note that 70% of the world’s 8 billion people have now received at least one dose. This works out an average of 2.4 doses each for the 5.6 billion that have received at least one dose.

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