Freedom from fear
This is a fine account of how we can become free from fear. The realization
This is a fine account of how we can become free from fear. The realization
I have these takeaways from this account of “cancel culture” in Montreal in the 1930’s:
It used to be that college drop-outs were stigmatized. Today, given the decay and corruption
In this great speech, Frederick Douglass gives the First Amendment the lofty stature it deserves.
In this essay, Dennis Prager shows the falseness of trying to do good through “political
This is a sound, data-based critique of race-based policing. The policy ends up hurting the
The author of this essay suffered the tragedy of losing a child. In spite of
The is nothing more inspiring than a true American patriot inspiring his children – and
Dennis Prager presents a biting critique of “Safetyism” – the “religion” of being “safe” at
This is expose journalism at its best: serving as a true watchdog over government and