Berenson v. Biden (and Bourla) is liveLet’s get ready to rumble! Why this lawsuit matters so much. And how you can help.


On April 29, 2022, Judge William Alsup ruled Berenson v. Twitter could move ahead. His ruling forced Twitter to settle with me and reverse my ban.
Even more importantly, it gave me access to crucial evidence that showed how the White House and Dr. Gottlieb had pressed Twitter to censor me during the spring and summer of 2021 – and how Twitter, after initially defending me, ultimately capitulated.
More evidence followed, from the Twitter Files and a separate lawsuit filed by the state of Missouri over social media censorship.
Now it is time for the second act in my campaign to hold White House and Pfizer responsible for their censorship.
Today I filed suit in federal court in New York City against President Biden, Pfizer chief executive Albert Bourla, and the other people who believed that the mRNA jabs were more important than the First Amendment.
The fact that the vaccines have now provably failed is almost – but not quite – irrelevant to the lawsuit. Even if they were perfect, our Constitution would protect my right to criticize them.

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