Bill Rice, Jr.

Bill Rice, Jr. is a freelance writer and Substack author in Troy, Alabama. His writing explores the theme that conventional wisdom is often wrong. According to Bill, freedom is in peril because every important “truth-seeking” organization is now completely captured.

Bill has written extensively about unreported Covid scandals. His particular area of interest is investigating the hypothesis that the novel coronavirus was spreading widely months before the Wuhan Outbreak.

Bill’s journalism has appeared at The Brownstone Institute,, Citizen Free Press, Zero Hedge, The American Conservative, The American Thinker, Real Clear Markets, The Daily Sceptic, The Conservative Woman and Golf magazine among other publications.

He can be reached at email at:

His Substack newsletter can be found at:


Here’s my “Twelve Angry Men” column:

Here’s my column where I argue the Socratic Method has actually been banned:

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