Board-Certified Obstetrician cries “STOP”Promoting SARS-CoV-2 genetic vaccination in Pregnancy is an unprecedented ethical breachRobert W Malone MD, MS

The Most Egregious Violation of Ethics in the History of Medicine
James A Thorp, MD.
This IS the greatest medical disaster in the history of obstetrics and all of medicine. I testify that this unwarranted experimental gene therapy was NEVER indicated in pregnancy and was perpetrated unlawfully and with falsified data. Res ipsi loquitor. Facts speak for themselves.
It was known by Schadlich et al as early as 2012 that the lipid nanoparticles (LNP) concentrate in the ovaries of mice and Wistar rats. The FOIA request of the Japanese Pfizer biodistribution studies absolutely confirmed: within 48 hours the “vaccine” was immediately absorbed into the blood stream and concentrated in the ovaries 118-fold by 48 hours and the trajectory of the concentration would have risen even higher had the animals not been sacrificed at 48 hours. This experimental therapy may have permanent damaging effects on the human genome for multiple generations and makes diethystilbestrol pale in comparison.

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