BREAKING: New Jersey Mom Faces Court for Not Wearing Mask at 2022 BOE Meeting

From the Math Goddess:

Only an authoritarian state would continue to prosecute people for mask mandates that showed no benefit to the population. Gwyenth K. Murray-Nolan is to face a criminal trial Oct 11 and 18, 2024 for not wearing her mask at a Cranford BOE meeting to protest the forced masking of children in school.

Recent Statement from Gwyenth K. Murray-Nolan:


As many of you know, during the pandemic, I had an ongoing protest against the local Board of Education and Superintendent of my town (Cranford NJ) where I have two young children in school. My oldest son is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, severe anxiety, and sensory processing disorder. Wearing a mask made my son physically sick such that he didn’t want to go to school, would scream, cry, yell, fight, have serious and significant tantrums and wearing a mask would cause severe anxiety and depression as my son was not able to recognize facial expressions which is essential for those with autism to process emotions. Specialist medical notes were ignored and not accepted due to the “Governor’s mask mandate”. As a parent, I did all that I was supposed to do. I started with the school principal, the nurse, the classroom teacher and school counselor. When that didn’t work, I went to BOE meetings and spoke about how my son was affected. These were the local people on the ground – elected officials who were there to support me, the taxpayer and a concerned mother coping with a significant situation. Several people on the Cranford BOE were parents and neighbors I knew and had socialized with in my home or theirs. When nothing was done for my son after several meetings, I confronted the superintendent. This man was paid a massive salary to help me and to help protect my son. But no one did anything to help. I testified before the New Jersey Senate about the harm mask mandates were having on children and most especially, special needs children like my son. I was asked to speak before a Special Committee established by the New Jersey Assembly. I petitioned the Governor’s office. And every single month, I continued to attend the Cranford BOE meeting in person MASKLESS in support of my son’s inability to attend school without a mask. I attended the BOE meetings maskless in support of my First Amendment constitutional right of free speech and freedom of expression to tell the BOE members and Superintendent Scott Rubin how they were failing my son and other special needs students by refusing to act and refusing to do anything to protect their rights and best interests. As the elected local officials in charge of our schools, these were the only people who were able to enact local policies to protect students like my son. I was told over and over, “We are just following the law.” I did not wear a mask for EIGHT MONTHS of in-person Cranford Board of Education meetings. Eight months of begging the BOE to act to protect my child. Eight months of time during which it was well known that children were not dying of COVID, children weren’t superspreaders, children weren’t dropping dead the second they were entering a classroom and masking was nothing other than virtue signaling as the cloth masks kids were wearing from Target and Old Navy etc were useless against “fighting the spread of Covid”. Eight months of the BOE and Superintendent Rubin continuing my son’s unnecessary suffering. On February 14, 2022, Superintendent Rubin and former Cranford attorney Tony Scarillo told the Cranford police department to arrest me prior to the start of that night’s Board of Education meeting- even though I had already filed litigation against them for attempting to curtail my First Amendment rights. I was handcuffed and brought to jail- where I was handcuffed to a metal bench and held inside a cage for over an hour while being processed. My wrists were left bruised and the police did not care that I had a medical procedure scheduled for the next day. The arresting Cranford Police Sergeant Nadia Jones admitted at the time of my arrest that I was engaged in a constitutional protest – but I was arrested anyway. My arrest was purely in retaliation by the BOE and Superintendent Rubin because they did not like the criticism that I brought down on them month after month for their weakness and failures to stand up and do the right thing. And not one of these people had the guts to say that arresting a fellow mother, neighbor, and a woman fighting for her children was wrong. People have suggested that I could have attended the BOE meetings virtually at that time if I wanted to remain maskless. Being virtually meant that you could not speak and therefore, virtual attendance was just another curtailment of the First Amendment rights of the citizens by Cranford. At the BOE meeting the month after my arrest, which of course I attended, I reminded the BOE and Superintendent Rubin that those who arrested Anne Frank and put her and her family into the death camps were “just following the law” whereas the people who risked their lives and livelihood to hide Anne Frank and her family were “breaking the law”. I don’t think that the Cranford BOE, Superintendent Rubin, the arresting CPD officers and the Cranford BOE attorneys Anthony Scarrilo and Jennifer Osborne are going to be looked at very kindly through the lens of history. Unbelievably, the town of Cranford is planning to prosecute me for my defiant trespassing ticket received on the night of my arrest.

The trial dates are OCTOBER 11 and 18, 2024 starting at 9:00 am, at the CRANFORD MUNICIPAL COURT, 8 Springfield Ave, Cranford NJ 07016. There is a municipal parking lot across the street and a parking deck in the center of town (4 blocks away) located at 7 South Avenue West, Cranford. Please come out in support! Please pass along this message to all interested individuals and liberty groups. I put my name, firm, reputation and everything I had in me on the line to protect my son and to stand up for what was right in a time when no one else was. Freedom isn’t free! Freedom isn’t something we can sacrifice. Thank you for supporting freedom. Thank you for coming out to support me during this trial. Gwyneth K. Murray-Nolan Co-Founder, Murray-Nolan Berutti LLC PROUD MOTHER TO JP & FINNEGAN FREEDOM FIGHTER I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees. 🇺🇸 God bless the USA.

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