Burner Phones, Clandestine Meetings, and Difficult Secrets: Dr. Malone Calls Out How Dr. Fauci and Other Public Health ‘Experts’ Covered Up Crucial Covid Information in the Beginning of the Pandemic

During a recent appearance on the Candace Owens Show, Dr. Robert Malone discussed how public health ‘experts’ such as Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Tony Fauci had worked in secret to hide critical information about Covid-19 at the beginning of the pandemic, including evidence that the virus originated out of the Chinese Communist Party-controlled Wuhan lab.

And Anthony Fauci’s emails, which were revealed, showed that someone told him [about the lab leak] very early on. [The emails] said this [Covid-19] is not a regular sequence that we see, this [virus] has obviously been manufactured – and yet what he [Dr. Fauci] was saying to everybody else was ‘oh this [natural origin of the virus] is just what happened.’

That says to me this was an inside job. I can not think of it [in] a different way because of the reaction and the cover-up mechanisms that were used.” 

“And then there [are] apparently contracts that were issued in 2019 for the development of the [Covid-19] vaccines [even before the virus was widely known to the world],” Malone adds.

Burner Phones, Clandestine Meetings, and Difficult Secrets: Dr. Malone Calls Out How Dr. Fauci and Other Public Health ‘Experts’ Covered Up Crucial Covid Information in the Beginning of the Pandemic – (VIDEO)

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