Calls to ‘Stop the Shots’ IntensifyA growing number of groups worldwide, led by doctors, medical organizations and activists are demanding an end to COVID-19 vaccine campaigns, citing contamination, injuries and lack of informed consent.

Guest post by by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
Activist groups, medical organizations and doctors around the globe are launching initiatives seeking to halt the administration of the COVID-19 vaccines or to have them pulled from the market altogether.
These efforts, including educational campaigns, legal challenges and petitions, cite the high number of adverse events and revelations regarding vaccine contamination as factors that may lead to the vaccines being recalled.
Several individuals involved with these initiatives told The Defender their efforts are beginning to make a noticeable difference — but that more work is needed.
“People are waking up to the fact that they were misled, and they are starting to demand answers from their elected officials and the safety and regulatory agencies that they trusted with the health of their children, but who lied to them,” said Janci Lindsay, Ph.D., director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services and co-founder of the We The People 50 — Recall The Shots campaign.
Bradford Geyer, an attorney with the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation, which launched the We The People 50 initiative, told The Defender the response to the initiative has been supportive.
“Our movement is clearly growing, as Americans and citizens of other nations realize what governments and Big Pharma have done to them.”

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