Can anyone halt the mRNA juggernaut?

By David Craig

The latest news about mRNA developments is that the technology is being tested for what was its original purpose – not as a vaccine, but as a gene therapy for cancer. An mRNA product is in Phase 3 clinical trials as a treatment for melanoma (skin cancer) and scientists hope this technology could also be used to stop lung, bladder and kidney cancer.
This may be successful and hopefully be less harmful than current treatments. But given the increasing questions about the effectiveness and safety of mRNA technology as a mass-administered vaccine, you might have expected that our rulers would call for a pause in mRNA vaccine development and deployment to give time to assess the risks and benefits. However, this will not happen for at least two reasons:
Banning the use of mRNA vaccines until their safety can be assessed would be an admission by the ruling elites that they had made a catastrophic mistake by imposing them on all age groups during the US-funded, China lab-leaked pandemic.
The UK, Canadian and Australian governments have signed multi-million-pound deals with Moderna to set up mRNA vaccine manufacturing sites in these three countries. Leaders of these three countries have all hailed the Moderna decisions as being a huge scientific and economic benefit for their nations. So the production and imposition of mRNA as mass-produced vaccines, rather than as targeted gene therapies, will probably continue however much evidence accumulates that they are possibly ineffective and even damaging to health.
And, of course, we should not forget that the hedge fund, Theleme Partners, which launched in October 2010 with $700million under management, was set up by a certain Mr Sunak and colleagues and, at the last report, had a huge 34.8 per cent of its assets in Moderna. If it was found that mass-administered mRNA vaccines are ineffective and dangerous and Moderna crashed and burned, then Theleme’s investors and founders would be an awful lot poorer. And we can’t allow that can we?

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