Vaccines do Not Stop Covid, Why? Read WHO data Below
This overview of the evolution of the epidemic in these vaccine champion countries, as described
This overview of the evolution of the epidemic in these vaccine champion countries, as described
England: Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people
When Israel rolled out boosters in August, they also saw spikes in infections and deaths.
TweetGerard Delaney@Gerard39delaneyFound something really interesting while reading the briefing documents for Pfizer vax for kids
If you take a look at the inner-workings of the FDA with this approval, you
One of the studies was first published in the medical journal Elsevier Toxicology Reports. It asserts
BREAKING…After re-analyzing a study performed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers, a peer-reviewed
The UK The United Kingdom’s data, although flawed, are still some of the most useful
During the hearing where an FDA panel reportedly voted to approve Covid vaccines be administered
“I don’t think children should be vaccinated for COVID,” he said. “I’m a huge fan