Censorship Industrial Complex Expert Mike Benz Explains Telegram CEO’s ArrestMIKE BENZ IS MY POWER ANIMAL!



And the fact is, is the House Foreign Affairs Committee could subpoena or could demand, as part of its Oversight, all communications between the US Embassy in Paris – that is, the State Department’s branch in France – for their communications with prosecutors or government officials about Pavel’s arrest, prior to the arrest.
Because I believe the State Department is at the very least – if not outright pushing – participating in this political prosecution.
The State Department has been going after Telegram – now, they don’t want to shut Telegram down. Let me explain this:
Telegram is a double-edged sword for the State Department. Telegram played a major role in the State Department’s fomenting of the Color Revolution in Belarus in the summer of 2020. The National Endowment for Democracy, the US State Department, and USAID were all funding the major organizers of the street riots in Belarus and using Telegram as the main channel to organize those street riots, because Telegram has such ubiquitous use in Eastern Europe – also in Russia, also in Ukraine.
So, they loved Telegram, as a way to organize “rent-a-riots”, to destabilize Lukashenko’s government. And I bet that they would do the same – if they didn’t, I’m not aware of it, just because I haven’t looked into it – but I bet that when Alexei Navalny was deployed against Russia from his right-wing flank, in organizing “peaceful protests” in Russia, I bet Telegram was used by the State Department as the coordination then – because I know that it was in Belarus.

He’s living in Dubai. And now, they have leverage and I believe that’s the purpose of this prosecution: not to establish a legal precedent – that it is, that every encrypted account, every encrypted chat app, its founder is personally responsible for all illegal conversations or transactions on the platform – but rather, to force Telegram to become WhatsApp.
This is what they did to WhatsApp, by the way, through this regulatory pressure. WhatsApp is owned by Facebook. They broke WhatsApp’s back.
And now – this is why I always say, “Don’t say anything on WhatsApp that you don’t want put on a Times Square jumbotron,” because the whole thing is Fed F@cking Central. They broke it – and I watched that happen, by the way.
You know, the Atlantic Council played a huge role in that, with seven CIA directors on its board and annual funding from the Pentagon, the State Department and CIA cut-outs like the NED…
They didn’t want to shut down WhatsApp. WhatsApp is used by everybody in Latin America and South America and half in India. They want to control it, to be able to have their own personnel in place to install and oversee the policies in every country on Earth, in order to shape the political outcomes from the inside of every country on Earth, to determine their elections. This is what they did to WhatsApp and Telegram in Brazil.
And when I say “They”, I don’t mean the government of Brazil. I mean the US State Department, the US Embassy, the US-funded institutions, like the Atlantic Council, the Wilson Center, the National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute, the NED. Thousands of these – at least hundreds, that I’ve documented – were all capacity-built.

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