Chris Kirkland

Like many people, the early influencers in my life were the people that molded me into the person I am
today. Those influences would be GOD, Family, and Country. I consider myself blessed with having
grown up in a military family with 5 boys; of which I was the oldest sibling and having traveled the
world. Early in my development I was constantly told I needed to look out for my younger brothers and
protect them. It was an attitude I took with me the rest of my life. I believe this trait molded me into
the person I am today. I’ve always hated people that took advantage of others whether by bullying
them or deceiving them, it is something I stood against and tried to be a force for correcting these
wrongs in this world.

Another trait I’ve always tried to emulate was that of being a problem solver. The world is filled with
complainers and critics. As someone once said to me, “There has never been a statue made to a critic”, so be a problem solver. Again, this is something I have taken to heart; and try to foster in others. Be a problem solver and oil in the machine, go where you are needed to help things run a little smoother and more efficiently.

Throughout my career in the military, as a consultant and now business owner one of the biggest problems I have seen is in cybersecurity. All the large companies have an army of professionals looking out for them in this area, but not so much the little guy. The little guys (Small Business Owners, Individuals or Family) are pretty much on their own. So, this is the area I have decided to concentrate my efforts of problem solving on in our business. To be a force for good and to protect those who are
most vulnerable. I am honored to be part of that fight and to do what I can in my sphere of influence
and control.

Think Globally, Act Locally and do what you can to make the world a better place is not just phrase but a great way to live.

Chris Kirkland
CEO, Cyber Team U.S.

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