Christine Padovan

Back in 2013, I met a young woman who became the key to my understanding years later that certain medical and vaccine shots had a similar problem. I and other family and friends were slow poisoned by this disturbed woman with heavy metals hidden from view of regular doctor and hospital tests by nano technology. In this way, doctors would be fooled into thinking we weren’t poisoned and proceed to treat the symptoms only with harsh medical treatment – making artificially created allergies and illnesses worse.

My intuitive and technical abilities uncovered a long-time criminal ring headed by medical and pharmaceutical folks in this woman’s family and they were partnering with certain medical doctors and pharmacies around the country to attack anyone they chose, especially those closest to me as payback for figuring them out. In October 2019, they tried hard one more time to kill me off, by slow poisoning my now ex-husband through his ex-girlfriend and convince him that I was the problem and not our daughter-in-law. He poisoned me with high doses of arsenic acquired from his Navy son – who was convinced to become a medical and pharmaceutical technician by our daughter-in-law – her way of continuing to grow her group of slow poisoning assassins.

However, I knew what to do to not die from prior poisonings by what I learned from a renown Ph.D. toxicologist, and was able to detoxify and stay safe without going to any doctor or hospital since my suspects were sure to make certain a hospital trip would be fatal, keeping a low profile and being able to get out of California two years later.

Unfortunately, because of the political climate in California, either between incompetence or corruption, all the criminal cases I filed which had positive evidence and tests went nowhere, the nail in the coffin coming from the FBI itself when they refused to help one detective who asked permission to use the FBI forensic labs to prove I was right with the tests I did. It showed no local, state or federal law enforcement was on the side of the victims – they were firmly on the side of the criminals.

Fast forward to today, and the same symptoms many people have experienced when they have received one or more medical/vaccine type shots (examples: food allergies, blood clots, thrombosis, myocarditis, severe kidney impairment, bloody and/or uncontrolled diarrhea, nerve issues, etc.) were the same symptoms, allergies and illnesses that I and my family and friends went through.

Fully recovered and in a safe location, I was able to start publishing Rumble videos in February 2022 with my theories based on my experience, paying out of pocket for all the forensic testing that actually uncovered the heavy metal toxins we were poisoned with and paying for consults and analysis from my toxicologist who has also been an expert witness in criminal poisoning cases.

Of course, we now have forensic proof that there are metals and other toxins in Covid and other mRNA ‘vaccine’ type shots. So now I have the proof backing what I and my toxicologist knew was going on with the pandemic and what government and commercial elites are up to. However, this means it is even more imperative in reaching people globally to spread the truth of what is going on and getting more people to detoxify to restore their health before more people die.

Several goals I am working to accomplish in growing this important global education service:

1) to teach people on being their own doctor by detoxifying to restore their health; use full forensic tests to prove toxicity since nano tech hides it from view in regular medical tests. Also for viral protection, taking a proven scientific solution to preventing viruses that is completely natural and safe, but not promoted at all by mainstream media. This same element (glutathione) is also a master detoxifier of any type of toxin and saved my life and that of family and clients numerous times.

2) to educate the public, law enforcement and medical industries on intentional, environmental and accidental poisoning. Knowing the symptoms, and making full forensic testing that bypasses nano technology a standard worldwide to uncover root cause of an illness, so proper detoxification treatment can be recommended to restore health, and properly uncovering a crime.

I also wanted to find a forensic testing resource that was affordable to civilians with these full forensic methods, could provide testing worldwide and found it through and other partner forensic testing sources. My partnership with them got the pricing even lower so more people can be helped – these test kits can be mailed worldwide or a local lab can assist with sample taking :

Of course, more forensic labs or the ability to have these tests be available within each country is another goal.

Over 80% of all known disease stems from inflammation caused by toxicity in the body. Yes, toxicity can be emotional and mental as well, but right now, our main fight is to stop the physical toxicity being perpetuated throughout the world, especially with these false vaccine shots, and more environmental ‘accidents’ and violence happening on a more frequent basis.

If everyone works together to spread more love and light on the natural virus and detox solutions we have to these illnesses and viruses, our lives can be healthier and happier than we could ever have imagined.

For more information or interest in business partnerships, feel free to contact me.

Sincerely yours, Christine Padovan, Owner/Founder

Paladina International

direct cell 904-955-2685 / tollfree: 1-888-307-6780

Donations appreciated through our fundraising partner Poppin Popcorn:

Or direct:

Now on Roku through the Awake Freedom TV channel (still free):


Interviewed by FOX News talk radio, WLW, KOGO, NTD News Canada, WOWK-TV, ABC33, Sirius XM, the Rich Valdes Show and numerous other stations across North America.

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