Classic Takes: Project Veritas Confirms My Reporting On Fauci & DARPAA new DARPA report shows: the U.S. government has lied to the American people about everything related to COVID


Project Veritas released a trove of documents today that originated from DARPA — which is the secret research & development wing of the U.S. military. The military documents directly contradict Dr. Fauci’s testimony under oath to Congress regarding “gain of function” bioweapons research — and reveal much more.
The documents outline how Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018 with a request for funding “gain of function” (bioweapons) research using bat coronaviruses. The proposal was ultimately rejected by DARPA over safety concerns — though DARPA did not voluntarily share these documents with the American public while Daszak and Fauci misrepresented their research work on a daily basis in the national media for two years.
There are bombshells everywhere you look in these documents — particularly in the report for the Department of Defense’s Inspector General written by DARPA fellow and Marine Corps Major Joseph Murphy. The first sentences of Murphy’s report state: “SARS-CoV-2 is an American-created recombinant bat vaccine, or its precursor virus. It was created by an EcoHealth Alliance program at the Wuhan Lab of Virology…” This tells you right away that not only Dr. Fauci but the U.S. intelligence services and the U.S. corporate media have been deliberately lying to the American public for two years about everything related to COVID.
Major Murphy seems to confirm this nightmare scenario in a curious sentence at the end of his report: “The massive “Manhattan Project”-level of information suppression executed by the government and the Trusted News Initiative indicates that it would be covered-up if something bad happened.” Major Murphy seems to be asserting that the U.S. government has collaborated with the vast majority of corporate media outlets to deliberately and knowingly mislead the American people about the COVID pandemic.
James O’Keefe asked DARPA the following question: “Who at DARPA made the decision to bury the original report? They could have raised red flags to the Pentagon, the White House, or Congress, which may have prevented this entire pandemic that has led to the deaths of 5.4 million people worldwide and caused much pain and suffering to many millions more.” Who thinks that an honest answer to that question will ever be revealed?
O’Keefe is not the only one who has asked DARPA some troubling questions recently. Three months ago, DARPA began directly responding to some of my tweets regarding their role in Moderna’s mRNA vaccine. The responses came from DARPA’s official Twitter account. Here’s a sample:

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