Complaint: Racine, Wisconsin Broke Election Law By Sending Voting Van To Democrat Strongholds

The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) has filed a complaint against the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) for the city of Racine’s use of an absentee voting van in violation of state law. The complaint argues that Racine’s mobile voting unit does not comply with a Wisconsin statute that prohibits absentee balloting locations that confer a partisan advantage.

According to a report by WILL, Racine purchased an absentee voting van using funds it received in 2020 from the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) — a Mark Zuckerberg-funded left-wing nonprofit — in anticipation of the 2022 elections. Leading up to the Aug. 9, 2022, primary, the voting van visited 21 designated locations around the city “distributing and collecting ballots at each over the 14-day period of in-person absentee voting prior to Election Day.”

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