Could The Clot Shots Unleash Prion Disease? According to Dr. Luc Montagnier: the spike protein is also a prion.


How did Yale University start a study on what was the best messaging for COVID-19 vaccine compliance in July 2020?
That’s before the vaccine was available.
How was there already a spreadsheet of SARS-CoV candidate vaccines on January 28, 2020?
The answer is simple: because the COVID pandemic is a pre-planned exercise.
You know this because Dr. David Martin has told you that we’ve been engineering the coronavirus for 56 years and we weaponized it in 2005.
You know this because four patent applications filed by Moderna were modified to include the term “accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen” in 2019 to justify making a “vaccine” for something that did not exist.
You know this because MP Andrew Bridgen (in the United Kingdom) said in a video that he was told by a senior minister of the UK Parliament: “You can speak out all you want. It doesn’t matter. You are vaccinated. You will be dead of cancer soon.”

In fact, millions of vaccinated people around the world may soon die of turbo cancer.
This is hard for many people to accept — but then again, the assistant secretary for HHS is currently a man pretending to be a woman. When your government refuses to acknowledge basic biology in order to support transvestites during a Maoist cultural revolution, then anything is possible.
To make matters worse, Dr. Hiroshi Arakawa has just found the mRNA vaccine in human placentas — which means the “vaccines” transfer from the pregnant woman to her baby.

In 2021, the FDA and the CDC were warned that mRNA vaccines caused cancer by inhibiting the p53 protein.
So, naturally, the FDA and the CDC continue to recommend the mRNA vaccines to your friends and family.
That’s a sign that both agencies don’t care if you die.

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