What is USAID and is it used to bypass HHS for international health “interventions”?
Robert W Malone MD, MS
A former USAID director, John Gilligan, admitted that USAID was “infiltrated from top to bottom with CIA people.” Gilligan explained that “the idea was to plant operatives in every kind of activity we had overseas; government, volunteer, religious, every kind.” Given that USAID is widely believed and reported to be infiltrated by CIA personnel, and to function essentially as an arm of the CIA, it is ironic that USAID was established by President John F. Kennedy on November 3, 1961, through the signing of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. Kennedy aimed to create a more efficient way to counter Soviet influence abroad through foreign assistance, seeing the State Department as too bureaucratic to accomplish this task efficiently.
When American humanitarian groups receive funds from USAID, their reports made the groups they assisted legible to USAID, and through USAID, this information is passed along to the CIA. Father Cotton, a missionary who became curious about the sources of mission work, described USAID as “the CIA’S little sister”, and worried that those working on humanitarian and assistance projects were being “plugged into an information network that starts with the U.S. government and to which the CIA is connected”. Cotter also understood that the CIA valued missionaries because, like anthropologists, they tended to “spend years working with grass-roots people and helping the unfortunates among them, they win trust and confidence. People will tell them about their hopes and fears, about village happenings, and about whatever there is of interest. They learn who are the most promising leaders, what are the region’s problems, and they are often given access to people and areas closed to most outsiders. This is the information wanted by the CIA, and wanted in steadily flowing streams”.
In addition to apparently funding academic “misinformation” research, USAID has also been used as a funding conduit for various “public health”- related endeavors. This mechanism appears to be used to bypass HHS oversight for various biological research and health-related programs. For example, in 2021, the Daily Mail reported that USAID funded Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance to the tune of $64.7 million. Apparently only a fraction of this funding is being reported via the USA Spending website, the remainder apparently being “dark” or classified funding.