A Midwestern Doctor
How the System Continually Manipulates Us and How We Can Now Overcome It.
As I was on this journey, I learned of the concept of “Public Relations” (PR) which forever reshaped my world view. Briefly, PR was a social science created by Freud’s nephew that combined psychology, marketing and propaganda to heavily influence the population in order to shift societal viewpoints in a favorable way for a client (e.g., get women to smoke at a time what that was socially unacceptable, make Americans want to go to war, stopping being mad at a company for causing an environmental disaster, continuing to support an abhorrent leader, convincing the populace to support a policy that goes against their own interests, etc.).
In turn, it is truly remarkable (once you investigate it) how many deeply ingrained beliefs within our society originated from a PR firm being commissioned to instill the belief, and much of what I do here is aimed at dispelling the false beliefs that destroy our health. Likewise, it is immensely tragic that PR has transformed Democracy from being a form of government where policies are decided on the basis of how palatable they are to the electorate to one where they’re decided on the basis of how much the PR campaign to get the public behind them will cost. For example, the 2021-2022 spike in the below graph was in part due to the over-the-top campaign we were bombarded with to badger the public into taking experimental “vaccine” gene therapies many were being harmed or killed by.