Ed Lapinski

Edward Carl Lapinski was born and raised in Cook County IL who works as a Project Manager for a small woman owned business. He is thankful for his time in the Local Boy Scout Troop #235 of Mount Prospect, where he attained the Rank of Eagle Scout in 2008, which played a crucial role in developing the deep love he has for his God and his County. In his free time, he works enthusiastically to engage others in the local community to become involved in the civic arena and partake in our civic duty. He understands that for our Constitutional Republic to succeed, it must be We the People, who uphold our Duty to safeguard our freedoms, so that our government is truly of the people and by the people to
actually be FOR the people.

He draws from experience and knowledge gained by becoming a Citizen Ninja Ambassador through Citizens for Free Speech (https://www.citizensforfreespeech.org) which helped him to build confidence to get into the civic arena and to fight for what’s right. Other sources of inspiration and knowledge are Dan Schultz’s Precinct Committeeman Strategy and the call to action of General Michael Flynn: Local action has national impact.

If you or someone you know lives within, or nearby to, Elk Grove Township and wants to join the fight to ensure not only that the torch of liberty is passed on to future generations, but also to safeguard the very soul of our nation by spreading God’s Light and Truth, please visit www.roegt.com or visit their Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/ElkGroveTownshipGOP/ to learn more, because his organization has a place for you!

In my interview with Ed, we discussed what freedom means to him, and the influences in life that helped shape his current understanding of it. Given that Ed has been an active leader since he was in High School at Notre Dame College Prep, he was able to share the challenges he faced in becoming a leader or taking on new leadership roles, like in his time as Eminent Commander of Sigma Nu Fraternity. We go on to discuss some of the freedom work he is involved in, as well as some sources of strength he draws from to persevere in his endeavors.

In a nutshell, Ed wants to bring honesty, integrity, and common sense back into everyday politics while restoring the passion that previous generations had for carrying out their civic duties. As an elected Elk Grove Township Committeeman for the Republican Party, he hopes to expose and remove the bad actors that infiltrated the party while assisting efforts to clean house. More importantly, he wants to help elevate others within the party, whether it be as precinct captains, election judges, poll watchers, or even candidates for elected offices, so that the IL GOP becomes more representative of and connected to, the everyday citizens. It’s no surprise Ed had accepted a role with IL Freedom Alliance, volunteering his time to advance the great work the Patriots in Rock Island and Kane County are doing.

I was surprised that in this interview, Ed hadn’t touched on the main story of why he was activated on the local level, which involves his mother being hospitalized following a heart attack stroke incident which left him feeling powerless in the midst of ever changing covid policies and infringement of his mom’s basic human rights and the Lapinski family’s civil liberties. Following months of the inability to be a part of his mother’s recovery or healthcare planning, emotions ran high until one night, his heart and chest felt a passionate flame burning where he could no longer stay idle as his mother was deteriorating while being moved between the hospital and rehab facility.

With a renewed vigor as if he was filled with the Breath of God, he researched all night, connecting the dots between the hospital’s policies and guidance and rules to form an argument for which he knew this time he would not be turned away while trying to be admitted to seeing her in the hospital. As God works in mysterious ways, and as Ed had said, things were in God’s Time, Ed enjoyed several hours with his mother that evening. His courage and determination to stand up to the “authorities” allowed his sisters, brother, dad, and aunt (his mothers sister) each to have a single day with her, due to “modified covid guidance w/ special circumstance” that he had fought for and wouldn’t back down without. After seeing each of her family members in those 5 days, Carole had passed on. More information on Ed’s story can be found here:

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