Editorial: UChicago Must End Its Booster Mandate—We Are Not Lab Rats

GREAT pushback by the students at UChicago against the school’s “vaccine” mandates.. and one of the best summaries of the medical tyranny you will find.
Per the University of Chicago’s newly announced booster mandate, all students and employees must obtain a booster shot by January 24. Those who do not comply will be barred from campus and restricted from attending in-person classes, among other activities. 

This booster mandate is demonstrably unsafe, ineffective, unnecessary, inconsistent, and unethical. We’ve struggled beneath UChicago’s draconian COVID decrees for years, but the university’s booster mandate reaches a new height of absurdity. 

We’ve become lab rats in a perpetual war against a glorified flu—and there’s no end in sight. UChicago continues to defy scientific and moral standards, dehumanizing us in the process. 

Clearly, this is not about saving lives. It’s about control. We will not be controlled. 
Our demands are as follows:

The 2021-2022 Editorial Board of the Chicago Thinker:

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