Elon Musk: George Soros Hacked The System To Leverage Small Donations To Nonprofits Into Billions In Government Funding

Posted By Tim HainsOn Date February 28, 2025

Elon Musk spoke about how non-government organizations (NGOs) are used by people like George Soros to extract money from the government, Friday on the “Joe Rogan Experience” podcast (full video at the bottom of the page).

“The whole ‘NGO’ thing is a nightmare,” Musk said. “And it’s a misnomer because if you have a government-funded non-governmental organization, you’re simply a government-funded organization. It’s an oxymoron.”

“We’ve seen cases where one person was getting $1.9 billion sent to their NGO, which had basically been formed about a year ago and had no prior activity.”

“George Soros is a systems hacker. He is a genius arbitrager. He figured out that you could leverage a small amount of money to create a non-profit and then lobby politicians to send a ton of money to that non-profit so you can take what might be a $10M donation and leverage it into a $1 Billion NGO.”

“And ‘nonprofit’ is a weird word. It’s just a non-governmental organization. The government continues to fund it every year, and it’ll have a nice-sounding name like The Institute for Peace or something like that. But really, it’s a graft machine.”

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