EU Parliament: The People Pushback Against WHO Pandemic Treaty Tyranny

BRUSSELS – A group of MEPs, together with a new European Citizens Initiative, have come together in the European Parliament this week to defend their countries’ respective national sovereignty and to voice their opposition to the World Health Organisation’s looming Pandemic Treaty.The citizens initiative known as “Trust and Freedom” includes representatives from seven EU countries and has been formed to challenge the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty, as well as the WHO’s creeping International Health Recommendations which also threaten to undermine individual nations’ independent policy decision-making.The meeting took place on Tuesday July 4th in Brussels, and was led by dissenting MEPs Christine Anderson (Germany), Cristian Terhes (Romania), Mislav Kolakusic, (Croatia), Virginie Jordon (France), and Ivan Vilibor Sincic (Croatia), who were joined by anti-WHO coalition supported by politicians and activists, including British MP Andrew Bridgen (Reclaim Party), Nick Hudson (South Africa/PANDA), Maria Humber-Mogg (Austria), and Justyna Walker (Poland), as well an international team of lawyers led by Philipp Kruse (Switzerland) and Alexander Christ (Germany).

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