Even religious high school students have a right to free speech

This incident is a good example of how the Constitution – and groups who fight to uphold it – protect our freedoms.


“Valedictorian Elizabeth Turner of Hillsdale High School went by the book in getting her speech approved, only for it to be refused by her school district because expressing her personal religious faith was deemed “not appropriate for a speech in a school public setting.” Ultimately, Turner was allowed to give her speech which did reference her Christian faith, but it was not after First Liberty, a legal organization, sent a letter to the school’s principal notifying that to refuse Turner was in violation of federal law. “

“Too often, we have seen well-meaning school officials who think they are complying with the Establishment Clause mistakenly go too far and censor the private speech of students, violating students’ rights under the Free Speech and Free Exercise Clauses.”


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