Every Faith has been Looted: Evangelical, Muslim, Buddhist, Catholic, Sikh – a Full One-third of the Wealth of the Planet

Every Faith has been Looted: Evangelical, Muslim, Buddhist, Catholic, Sikh – a Full One-third of the Wealth of the PlanetThe Bloated Ambition of that Pouchy Lizard, King Charles


The agenda which doubtlessly came from the authoritarian plutocrats behind the World Economic Forum, has been instituted into every faith in the world, including the U.S., Canada, all of Europe and the East. Want some of that lovely plutocrat money via the World Bank, the IMF? Turn your churches to profit centers for the New World Order…

Faith investments represent the third largest block of investments in the world. The World Economic Forum has taken note. FaithInvest was launched in 2019, with fifty faith partners, several investment houses, and the United Nations. In June of 2022, the World Wildlife Federation launched a Belief and Values Programme, “which will have a huge impact on wildlife and landscape protection around the world.” Who was one of WWF’s founders, and its eternal chief? Prince Philip.

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