FDA Exec on Camera Reveals Future COVID Policy “Biden Wants To Inoculate As Many People As Possible”

Project Veritas got undercover video from an FDA Executive Officer, Christopher Cole. He said Biden wants to mandate annual COVID vaccines for everyone under emergency use and hasn’t told us yet because it would rile people up.

He said Big Pharma pays the FDA MILLIONS to approve their drugs and Big Pharma loves “annual” vaccines because they make billions of dollars every year that way. He said they also love emergency use authorizations because they don’t have to do as much testing and all they have to prove is that they do more good than harm. From the horse’s mouth. The FDA would NOT approve the COVID vaccine for toddler’s without an EAU. There’s not enough testing.

Project Veritas got undercover video from an FDA Executive Officer, Christopher Cole. He said Biden wants to mandate annual COVID vaccines for everyone under emergency use and hasn’t told us yet because it would rile people up.

He said Big Pharma pays the FDA MILLIONS to approve their drugs and Big Pharma loves “annual” vaccines because they make billions of dollars every year that way. He said they also love emergency use authorizations because they don’t have to do as much testing and all they have to prove is that they do more good than harm. From the horse’s mouth. The FDA would NOT approve the COVID vaccine for toddler’s without an EAU. There’s not enough testing.

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