“Follow the Money”A tiny grassroots’ organization from Tennessee did the job of the mainstream press … and showed that massive Covid bribes … worked..


To me, this story reveals several disconcerting truisms about our democracy:
Local and state school systems are not autonomous or independent. Like every other captured organization in the world, these political organizations are looking for more money (and more control) … and that money increasingly comes from agencies of the federal government. “Local control” doesn’t exist anymore.
Essentially, federal agencies bribe local authorities to do their bidding.
“Covid money” could be used for anything and everything, including hiring new mental health counselors, building a new athletic field house or paying teacher and administrator salaries.
The money certainly had nothing to do with keeping children safe because this virus never threatened school children.
The money also didn’t have anything to do with improving the education of school children because all the mandates did great harm to student learning…

After Ms. DePriest’s organization “followed the money” and learned of the massive payouts to the K-12 Education Complex, a light bulb went off and group members figured the same type of payouts might have been given to hospitals and healthcare groups … as further incentives to follow the CDC guidelines.
In Ms. DePriest’s interview with Bigtree, viewers learn that hospitals were getting a lot more than just $39,000 for putting a Covid patient on a ventilator.
According to Ms. DePriest, in her state of Tennessee, hospitals received, on average, $166,000 for every Covid patient.
In Nebraska, she says the figure was $379,000 (!) per “Covid patient.”
This was the bounty for hospitals that followed the NIH, CDC and WHO “protocols.”
In addition to $39,000 for a patient put on a vent, hospitals received extra money for every Covid patient admitted (based on a positive PCR test). Hospitals also received a “20 percent bonus” for using remdesivir.
Once hospitals reached a certain threshold of “Covid admissions,” they received $50,000.
As Bigtree notes (paraphrasing): “That funding is paying for the things that are going to kill you.”
The lucrative reimbursement programs explain why many hospitals which saw their census of admitted patients plummet, ended up having their most profitable financial years ever.
The bottom line (literally) is that the response to Covid was extremely profitable to hospitals, testing companies, mask manufacturers … and to school systems…

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