From destroyers to builders

Truth Over Tyranny: Biblical wisdom for defeating the Technocrats.
These are my insights for defeating the Transhumanist Technocracy movement, based on the teachings of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, of blessed memory, on the weekly Bible portion.

People like to mock “conspiracy theories” these days, but that’s because they are ignorant of the conspiracies that are really taking place. Or afraid to admit they exist.

Yes, members of the World Economic Forum gather at Davos each year to plan the takeover of all the world’s resources – including the human population.

Yes, government officials from many countries meet with the globalists to cash in on the plunder of the Great Reset.

Yes, the major media companies worldwide come together to give them cover.

Yes, intelligence agencies collaborate with Big Tech to silence opposition.

Yes, law enforcement agencies combine forces to persecute dissidents.

Yes, communist organizations join together to steal elections with “color revolutions.”

And yes, “transhumanists” gang up on Judeo Christian practices and values. They attack traditional ideas of sexuality and reproduction. They ban prayer and religious symbols. And they try to replace belief in God with allegiance to the State.

These “conspiracies” are actually assemblies of people conspiring to commit evil deeds and create rule by a technocracy.

Of course, they will fail. Such is the fate of all tyrannical movements. What, then, will be the key to rebuilding our institutions? How do we bring people together for good reasons, not bad?

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks discusses this challenge in his commentary on Parashat Vayakhel called “Team-Building.”

He mentions that Moses, the leader of the Jewish people, had to help the nation assemble for a good reason after they had assembled for a bad reason – building the Golden Calf:

“How do you re-motivate a demoralised people? How do you put the pieces of a broken nation back together again? That was the challenge faced by Moses in this week’s parsha.

“The key word here is vayakhel, “Moses gathered.” Kehillah means community. A kehillah or kahal is a group of people assembled for a given purpose. That purpose can be positive or negative, constructive or destructive. The same word that appears at the beginning of this week’s parsha as the beginning of the solution, appeared in last week’s parsha as the start of the problem:”

“’When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered [vayikahel] around Aaron and said, ‘Make us a god to lead us. As for this man Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.’’”

The “bad assembly” destroys:

“The difference between the two kinds of kehillah is that one results in order, the other in chaos. Coming down the mountain and encountering the Golden Calf, we read that

“Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies.” The verb פרע, like the similar פרא, means “loose, unbridled, unrestrained.

“There is an assembly that is disciplined, task-oriented, and purposeful. And there is an assembly that is a mob. It has a will of its own. People in crowds lose their sense of self-restraint. They get carried along in a wave of emotion. Normal deliberative thought-processes become bypassed by the more primitive feelings or the group. There is, as neuroscientists put it, an “amygdala hijack.” Passions run wild…”

The “good assembly” builds:

“Vayakhel is Moses’ response[1] to the wild abandon of the crowd that gathered around Aaron and made the Golden Calf. He does something fascinating.

“He does not oppose the people, as he did initially when he saw the Golden Calf. Instead, he uses the same motivation that drove them in the first place. They wanted to create something that would be a sign that God was among them: not on the heights of a mountain but in the midst of the camp. He appeals to the same sense of generosity that made them offer up their gold ornaments. The difference is that they are now acting in accordance with God’s command, not their own spontaneous feelings.

“So he asks the Israelites to make voluntary contributions to the construction of the Tabernacle, the Sanctuary, the Mikdash. They do so with such generosity that Moses soon has to order them to stop. If you want to bond human beings so that they act for the common good, get them to build something together. Get them to undertake a task that they can only achieve together, that none can do alone…..”

Leaders must be team-builders:

“Rabbi Norman Lamm, former President of Yeshiva University, once remarked that he knew of only one joke in the Mishnah, the statement that ‘Scholars increase peace in the world’ (Brachot 64a). Rabbis are known for their disagreements. How then can they be said to increase peace in the world?”

“I suggest that the passage is not a joke but a precisely-calibrated truth. To understand it we must read the continuation:

“’Scholars increase peace in the world as it is said, ‘All your children shall be learned of the Lord and great will be the peace of your children’ (Isaiah 54:13). Read not ‘your children’ but ‘your builders.’

“When scholars become builders they create peace. If you seek to create a community out of strongly individualistic people, you have to turn them into builders. That is what Moses did in Vayakhel.

“Team-building, even after a disaster like the Golden Calf, is neither a mystery nor a miracle. It is done by setting the group a task, one that speaks to their passions and one no subsection of the group can achieve alone. It must be constructive. Every member of the group must be able to make a unique contribution and then feel that it has been valued. Each must be able to say, with pride: I helped make this.

“That is what Moses understood and did. He knew that if you want to build a team, create a team that builds.”

Clearly, the emerging technocracy are not leaders. They divide people, to rule them. Divide and conquer. They seek to destroy, not create.

The men and women who lead us in the rebuilding of our institutions will be true leaders. They will empower us to rebuild our families, schools, health care facilities, businesses, government agencies, and every other institution that has been damaged by the technocrats.

We will be a nation of builders.

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