From Paul Fleuret @absolute1776 on Telegram:

Sheriff of Davidson County NC Calls for Local Citizens to Form Militias to Protect the ConstitutionSheriff Tripp Kester of Davidson County, NC calls for local citizens to form militias to protect the Constitution.It’s getting real, y’all.Like I’ve been saying: We approach sh!t a bit different, down here.[They] picked the wrong state to bully.

Sheriff Tripp Kester of Davidson County, NC: …our God-given rights. And it says, “when government becomes destructive to these ends”, meaning, when they go above and beyond trying to secure our liberties and trying to take them, it’s the right of the people to alter or abolish that government, either by voting or, ultimately, God forbid, to use our Second Amendment Rights to protect ourselves from tyranny.
And I’m just asking all of y’all to unanimously join our sister counties of Wilkes, Surrey, Stokes, Lincoln, and Cherokee, and get on board with this thing and publicly demonstrate to us that you’re willing to uphold and honor the same oath I took when I put my hand on God’s word and held my other hand up to him and swore that I’d give my life to defend that Constitution.
And I – and I hate, I’m not trying to be disrespectful – but regardless of what y’all do or don’t do, I’m not going to enforce an unconstitutional law!

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