George Soros – The God Emperor Of Ukraine

Soros and his NGOs have essentially taken over the operations of the U.S. government in Ukraine. Open Society or Aspen Institute people have been placed strategically in positions of power throughout the Department of State, CIA, FBI, USAID, and other American governmental instruments. Soros NGOs like the Open Society Institute, the Aspen Institute, and the International Renaissance Foundation train a pipeline of cadre that when experienced enough are placed in the appropriate positions of power.

This also happens on the Ukrainian side. Soros-influenced personnel are located throughout the Ukrainian government, and penetrate every ministry in the country. These strategic tactics were honed by the Soros infrastructure in the Balkans and also in Central Europe.

These well-placed Soros agents make sure any decisions regarding commercial banks, sale of land, decentralization, minority benefits, etc, are all decided in favor of the progressive agenda. This process leads to the loss of sovereignty and the economic plunder of Ukraine. Much of the billions in aid given by the U.S. government and the International Monetary Fund are in turn given to Soros NGOs in-country in order to further the Soros plan. These developments have led to looting, laundering of money, breakdown of government institutions, bankruptcies and the fire-sale of government-owned institutions in Ukraine.

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