Gerald Malloy (Retired Veteran)

I am a retired Army Officer, Combat Veteran, West Point Graduate. 

I was an insurgent Candidate in 2022. I won the US Senate Republican Nomination by the people’s vote. I was endorsed by President Trump. 

I am seeking to serve Vermonters, Vermont, and the United States of America. I am deeply concerned with the direction our Country is going and I have the character, experience, leadership and performance to change the course for a better future.

Born 30 December 1961 in Boston, the oldest of 9 siblings; graduated from Westwood High School, MA. I had visited West Point on a youth hockey trip and wanted to become an Army Officer. Army Hockey Coach Jack Riley came to my HS baseball game to tell me of acceptance. I reported to West Point on 1 July 1980. 

West Point was challenging, a great experience. Highlights were meeting General of the Army Bradley, meeting Walter Cronkite, saluting the 52 returning US hostages, and receiving my diploma from VP Bush. I played some NCAA baseball and 4 years of NCAA hockey for Coach Riley, a great honor. I graduated in 1984 as an active duty Field Artillery Officer with a BS/Political Science. I have also earned an MBA from Temple and a Graduate Certificate under a MS Intelligence program from Georgetown.

I served 22+ years with duty in leadership positions in Germany, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Canada and US bases including 5 years at Fort Bragg. I am a Veteran and served in leadership roles of great responsibility for a Battalion that fired 650 rockets in combat operations over 400km to liberate Kuwait, earning a Valorous Unit Award (equivalent of a Silver Star for an individual). I executed training for 50,000 deploying RC soldiers. I supervised Brigade ROTC operations for New England and NY, including UVM and Norwich, with training at Camp Ethan Allen. I have served as Paratrooper and in Nuclear Surety positions. Early on 9/11 I flew out of Logan on United to meet FEMA in the USVI. Inflight I was asked to guard the cockpit. I returned asap to work at the NYC JFO next to the Intrepid.I served 22+ years with duty in leadership positions in Germany, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Canada and US bases including 5 years at Fort Bragg. I am a Veteran and served in leadership roles of great responsibility for a Battalion that fired 650 rockets in combat operations over 400km to liberate Kuwait, earning a Valorous Unit Award (equivalent of a Silver Star for an individual). I executed training for 50,000 deploying RC soldiers. I supervised Brigade ROTC operations for New England and NY, including UVM and Norwich, with training at Camp Ethan Allen. I have served as Paratrooper and in Nuclear Surety positions. Early on 9/11 I flew out of Logan on United to meet FEMA in the USVI. Inflight I was asked to guard the cockpit. I returned asap to work at the NYC JFO next to the Intrepid. My awards include the Bronze Star and 7 Meritorious Service Medals. I retired from active duty in 2006 as a Major with an Honorable Discharge.

For nearly 5 years I served with the new Defense Coordinating Element, supporting New England Emergency Management operations. I worked extensively with Federal, State, Local agencies and directly supported over 20 PDDs under the Stafford Act, including several in Vermont. I was a lead for the post-Katrina National Level Exercise with 30+ Agencies and a Regional Exercise for Pandemic Response during H1N1. I also supported the Exercise at Harvard that directly benefited the Marathon response. 

Since 2011 I have been in Business management and executive positions, with large and small businesses, leading support to a wide range of US Government organizations. My simple formula: engage, listen, develop a value solution; check every detail of the acquisition and proposal. I’ve had success and results in supporting Government agencies in a very competitive environment.

I live and work in Perkinsville with my wife Stacey, an Attorney. We have 4 children and 3 are in Vermont schools. Our home looks out at Mount Ascutney and Little Ascutney, with the VAST on our property and an original Crown Point Road marker (XI). We love the outdoors and wildlife and have seen Bald Eagles and a Great Gray Owl, hoping to see a Catamount someday. One of my hobbies is making maple syrup from sugar maples in our yard. There is no other place we would rather live than Vermont.

Below are my positions on many areas that need immediate change. I believe it is critical for Congress to address these areas and get our Country back on track, in the right direction, for our future.

Economic Prosperity

1) Finally tackle the $30 Trillion debt. Reduce the size of Federal Government, spend within budget, stop the bleeding. Over the last 15 years since 2007 Congress has allowed the National Debt to increase by over 300%—that’s failure.

2) Energy Independence. Restart the Pipeline and promote, not restrict, US independence across all forms of Energy. Go back to reasonable gas prices and reasonable inflation from 2020, not record and 40-year highs.

3) I support every parent’s right to decide what is and what is not taught to their children in school.

4) Illegal Immigration. Put up the wall. Enforce the law, stop criminals and Fentanyl from China coming into the US. 10,000 lbs. of Fentanyl seized last year—enough to kill 2 Billion people.

5) A comprehensive review of US Trade and Import practices, followed by the implementation of meaningful sanctions on countries with human rights violations, that harbor terrorists, that do not have fair Trade practices, and that produce Fentanyl and other drugs that are killing Americans. Stand up and Stop funding Communism, Terrorism, and Aggression – with the follow on benefit that we can make products instead of importing them.

6) Reduce healthcare costs, not Universal Healthcare but Initiatives with no price gouging and seek to improve Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans Administration operations.

7) Ensure the United States has access to natural resources for the future, like lithium.

The Constitution

1) Support and Defend the Constitution as the Oath of Office dictates.

2) No more unconstitutional Federal actions or initiatives like Mask and Vaccine Mandates that have destroyed our Economy. Take a drive down almost any Main Street and see the shuttered businesses.

3) Fully support all Amendments, including 2d Amendment Right to Bear Arms. I am a gun owner, my wife is an NRA member.

4) Pro life. Per the 10th Amendment I support taking this decision out of the Supreme Court and giving it to States and People.

Maintaining a Strong Defense

1) Listen to and take the advice of our military leadership; learn from the debacle of the hasty pullout of Afghanistan where 13 service members died.

2) Rebuild damaged relations with NATO partners and allies around the world.

3) Do not enter into treaties that cannot be enforced with untrustworthy nations, such as Iran.

4) Fully support Law Enforcement. Funding, not Defunding, our Police; preserving order to enjoy freedoms.


I will support and defend the Constitution, to serve the best interests of Vermont and the United States. I thank Senator Leahy for his 48 years of service as the only Democrat Senator ever from Vermont. Just as he won in 1974, in the wake of Watergate and President Nixon’s resignation, it is now time for a change. I offer Character, Experience, Leadership and Performance, for our Future.

God Bless America.

Gerald Malloy
(802) 263-5405

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