Germany announces wide-ranging plans to restrict the speech, travel and economic activity of political dissidents, in order to better control the “thought and speech patterns” of its own people


Faeser also wants to go after your bank account:
We must also uncover the financial links in right-wing extremist networks, in order to deprive them of their income. This is the principle of ‘follow the money.’ Operationally, we have significantly strengthened financial investigations at the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Banks are already being sensitised. Financial structures are being analysed in detail, but we are coming up against legal limits. At present, financial investigations are limited to incitement to hatred and violence. That is not enough. I therefore want to amend the law to ensure that the potential threat is taken into account. This involves other factors such as potential for action and social influence. We also need to make procedures faster and less bureaucratic. No one who donates to a right-wing extremist organisation should be able to rely on remaining undetected.
Faeser wants to change the law so that her Ministry can financially harass not only people who are suspected of “incitement to hatred and violence,” but also political opponents who merely exercise undue “social influence.” If you donate to an organisation that Faeser doesn’t like, she wants to publish your name and make you a target for state-affiliated paramilitary groups like Antifa. There is accordingly a great hue and cry from SPD and Green politicians to adopt their “Democracy Promotion Law,” which Renate Künast explicitly hopes will steer more funding to “Antifa groups” and other left-wing NGOs, many of which are heavily involved in ideological enforcement on behalf of the state.
Faeser is also angry that the political opposition can travel:
We are just as determined to restrict the international networking of right-wing extremists. Right-wing extremist hatred must neither be exported out of Germany nor imported into Germany. That is why we are working together with the relevant state authorities to prevent right-wing extremists from travelling in and out of the country as far as possible.

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