Gregg Phillips Explains Why He and Catherine Engelbrecht Were Sent to Prison: “we have irrefutable evidence that the entire PA voter registration file is living on a server in China—serial numbers, ballot bundle numbers”

On Thursday, True the Vote investigator and election fraud hero Gregg Phillips shared some interesting information on his Truth Social account that may explain the unexplainable Fetterman victory for in Pennsylvania on Tuesday. In his post on Truth, Phillips focused on Allegheny Co., PA, telling residents, “your leaders sold you and America out to China.”

Phillips explained, “More than that, we have irrefutable evidence that the entire PA voter registration file is living on a server in China—And, machine serial numbers, ballot bundle numbers, and—They didn’t steal it. They gave it to the CCP and PLA.”

He explained, “This is why we were put in prison. They had to silence us.” A defiant Phillips said, “We will not sit down. We will not shut up.”

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