Here’s what you need to know

– October 6, 2023 TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

Remember when Rudy Giuliani stood outside the landscaping business in New York on November 7, 2020 and said that ActBlue was laundering money for the Democrat party and they laughed at him?
Then James O’Keefe said that he could prove that ActBlue was using unsuspecting elderly people to launder their money? Well, it’s all coming out now. And it’s laundered CCP money. The Chinese Communist party is donating to the Democrat Party and using ActBlue and unsuspecting American elderly people to do their dirty work.
I think that’s one major reason why they released COVID to target the elderly in 2020 and sent them to nursing homes to get sick and die. So they could launder CCP money through them and steal votes through elderly dead people.
Remember how they locked down the nursing homes in 2020 and kept people away while fundraising and voting for elderly residents by mail? I do. Turns out the CCP has been buying up American nursing homes too! They have a long term plan!
60% of the Democrats’ ActBlue donations that James O’Keefe investigated are coming from the Chinese Communist Party.

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