Hong Kong Scientists Confirm: Covid Shots Cause HEART ATTACKS in Children

LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY | By Frank Bergman June 30, 2024

A comprehensive study by leading pediatric scientists has confirmed that the devastating surge in heart failure among children is caused by Covid mRNA shots.

A comprehensive study by leading pediatric scientists has confirmed that the devastating surge in heart failure among children is caused by Covid mRNA shots.
The peer-reviewed study, published in the prestigious journal Med, was conducted by scientists at the University of Hong Kong.
The team, led by Dr. Hing Wai Tsang, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, the University of Hong Kong, uncovered evidence to confirm that Natural Killer (NK) cell activation by Covid mRNA injections causes the pathogenesis of acute myocarditis.
Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle that restricts the body’s ability to pump blood.
The inflammation causes strokes, and cardiac arrest, and can ultimately cause sudden death.
The study concludes that Covid mRNA shots massively increase the risk of myocarditis among children and young people, especially males.

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