“How Bad is my Batch” The story of my vaccine injury -Robert W Malone MD, MS

This site matches up vaccine batch codes with information from the VAERS system, which is the event reporting system run by the CDC. This site matches the vaccine batches to adverse drug reactions, death, disability and life threatening illnesses from the VAERS system.

According to the website above, the data reported in VAERS, reproduced on the site, show that adverse events triggered by Moderna batches have varied widely.

  • 5% of the batches appear to have produced 90% of the adverse reactions
  • Some Moderna batches are associated with 50 x the number of deaths and disabilities compared to other batches.

If anyone has any doubts about adverse events from these vaccines, take a look at some of the peer reviewed research or look at the VAERS data for deaths in young adults and children. 
People have the right to be given informed consent of risks and benefits of a medical procedure. Informed consent is not given, if the risks are hidden.

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