How Domestic Terrorism is Escalating and Why 



Tore says that the activist violence we’re seeing on college campuses, in Washington DC and especially in New York City is going to get way worse over the summer. Think George Floyd crossed with Arab Spring. The Color Revolutions’ Greatest Hits.

She says treasonous members of the US bureaucracy and the intelligence community are funding and training young, impressionable activists. These traitors are, in turn, being infiltrated by Tore and her operatives.

Tore says, “Remember, the Green New Deal? The Green New Deal was written by the very same people we had on the Zoom calls, calling for a coup with Federal Employees.”

Tore says activist groups, like Momentum, Shut Down DC and the Sunrise Movement all use the same trainers. “Their riots and their protests are being used for various agendas that the 4th Unelected Branch of Government wishes to execute.”

Tore refers to this 2021 Medium article, which lists the following people and their groups. She says, “These are the people who are orchestrating all of these things, together. This is how domestic terrorism is escalating.

Tore then plays a training video that was made for these activists by one of the trainers, listed above, Griffin Sinclair-Wingate of the New Hampshire Youth Movement, entitled “Summer of Heat”. Griffin has been a professional activist for over a decade. He previously worked to get Hillary Clinton elected.

Griffin begins by saying, “For those of you who have not heard of “Summer of Heat” before, we are a sustained campaign of people who are going to be taking non-violent direct action, targeting Wall Street this summer.

“This campaign is being launched by a few groups, including Stop the Money Pipeline, Climate Defenders, Planet Over Profit and New York Communities of Change.”

The basic philosophy of “Summer of Heat” is that we are living on Indigenous Land stolen by European settlers, who brought Capitalism, which values extraction and profit over all else and that fossil fuels are causing Climate Change, which is killing us. 

Their activism this summer intends to force “Wall Street”, i.e., ALL the major financial corporations to cut ties with ALL the fossil fuel producers, in order to put ALL of the fossil fuel companies out of business.

“The scale of civil disobedience that we are planning, targeting the fossil fuel industry is something that has not been done in this country before…During ‘Summer of Heat’, we are going to repeatedly shut down the entrances of corporate headquarters, of banks, of insurers, private equity funds, asset managers, we’re gonna push the institutional clients to cut ties with these financial institutions that fund fossil fuels, we’re going to call out cultural institutions, like MOMA, because Wall Street firms donate tons and tons of money to those groups, to those institutions, like MOMA to distract from their complicity in the climate crisis.”

“We’re going to be visiting the penthouses and the vacation homes of these CEOs who wake up every morning and decide that their wealth, their profit margins are more important than literally, the whole world…and we’re going to demand that they stop funding fossil fuels.

“We need to make it crystal clear to all of those people that the urgency to end fossil fuels is an existential threat; that the moral stakes of the moment are incredibly intense and that the shameful, shameful complicity of Wall Street in the horrors of Climate Chaos and Environmental Racism is unacceptable.”

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