“Health and wealth” are really two sides of the same coin. 

Let’s first take a look at fiscal health.

People who enjoy fiscal health develop the means to pay their own way. They maintain reliable sources of income, including jobs, businesses, and investments.

They save for rainy days, when cash flow is tight or returns are down.

They plan for the future, to retain their independence. 

Their monthly overhead is well under control, both personal and business.  Additional burdens, such as taking on debt or purchasing on credit, can be assumed on an exceptional basis without jeopardizing their security.

Now let’s take a look at physical health. 

People who enjoy physical health develop the means to take care of themselves. They maintain the proper mental outlook, diet, physical activity, and personal habits. 

Their general lifestyle is well-balanced, and helps them weather sickness and injury. It also promotes longevity. 

They are very careful to control daily stressors, in all aspects of their lives. 

Major life crisis such as family death, job loss, and severe illness, can then be managed as isolated events without jeopardizing their overall health.

You can see that both “health systems” have similar norms that maintain the integrity of the system. If you deviate from the norm, then you run the risk of the system failing – of losing your fiscal or physical health. Short-term  losses can be regained, such as when people bounce back from a business setback, or from a serious illness.  

But you can only fully bounce back if you get back to normal. If you drop your standards, then your long-term health could be compromised.

This is why it is critical to maintain healthy fiscal and physical practices through thick and thin.

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