How I will choose a candidate to vote for this November

The upcoming election is a big one. Here are some criteria by which I will decide who to vote for:

1 Since the election is taking place when our country is at war, I will choose the candidate who will help us win the war. When one candidate wants to let in enemy combatants, human traffickers, gang members, and convicted felons from our enemies — and the other wants to deport them — it is clear who wants to help us win, and who wants to make us lose.

2 Health and safety concerns must be addressed before economic factors. Market forces can be counted on when people feel reasonably safe and secure. But when the government is deliberately promoting drugs that kill and hurt people… law enforcement policies that increase crime… ideologies that inflame hatred against people of a certain race, gender, religion, or economic class… school and youth activities that abuse children… and actively persecuting political opponents, then economic theory gets put on hold. The candidate I want will get life back to normal by purging society of evil tyrannical influences. Then the “free market” will be able to do its thing.

3 When you support a candidate, you support his or her platform and policies. If you vote for someone who wants to deliberately destroy our country — or if you don’t vote for the other guy, and thereby make it easier for the bad guy to win — the damage they cause is on you. You enabled it to happen. Who in their right mind would want that on their conscience?

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