How We Can Stop The WHO’s Horrific Pandemic Treaty Reviewing exactly what is inside the worst treaty of our lifetime and the heroic efforts that are stopping it.


Story at a Glance:
•“Preventing” pandemics is one of the most lucrative areas in medicine. Unfortunately, despite all the money this industry has received, it has only made the problem worse. This is because most pandemics are the result of lab leaks from “preventative” research, and because whenever an effective solution is discovered for a pandemic, it gets suppressed by the industry since so many business interests depend upon profiting off of an “unsolvable emergency.”

•The way COVID-19 was handled was so egregious that it woke much of the public up to this grift. Because of that, the pandemic-industrial complex is now facing an existential risk to its business model (since much of the general population no longer is willing to go along with it).

•To solve this problem, a covert WHO treaty has been put together behind the scenes which gives these international health agencies absolute control over anything related to an alleged “health emergency,” and in turn enshrines each awful policy which was conducted throughout COVID-19 (e.g., mass censorship or the promotion of dangerous and experimental vaccines).

•A grass roots activist movement has accomplished something remarkable—despite the fact every single large organization has pushed the pandemic treaty through, in only a few short months, those activists have begun to derail it. I believe stopping this power grab is one of the most important issues of our time, and this article was written to explain exactly what they are doing so that each of us can help be a part of making sure this abhorrent treaty is never ratified.

There are three major things each of you can do to help stop this in its tracks.

First and foremost, you need to spread awareness over this issue (e.g., by discussing it with your peers or sharing articles about it with your network). I sincerely believe very few people would support the pandemic treaty if they actually understood what was in it, and it was for that reason that I spent almost a month reading through over a thousand pages of Meryl’s work to put this series together.
Note: Meryl also wrote a 1000 word (easily shareable) summary of the treaty here.
Secondly, what Door to Freedom has done so far shows that there are a sizable number of elected officials who are willing to listen to public complaints about the pandemic treaty. For this reason, it is critical to contact your elected representatives about this treaty.

Third, please consider supporting their work (either through directly donating to Door to Freedom or by supporting Meryl’s Substack). They are operating on a shoe string budget but nonetheless getting a lot done (something you rarely see in the non-profit world). Likewise, because I feel it is critically important to support this work, prior to writing this article, I set things up so that any paid subscriptions I receive from this article (which I very much appreciate) will be donated to Door to Freedom.

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