I will gladly go to the “clink”


MARK LEVIN: “Monday is not the trial of Donald Trump. It is the case of the Democrat Party v. America. Monday begins one of the most horrendous events in American legal history: a Stalinist-like trial in Manhattan that should never have seen the light of day. The question is whether the final nail has been hammered into the heart of our republic. It is also represents the greatest effort to interfere with and steal a federal election in American political history.
Never before has a president sought to imprison his political opponent — in Trump’s case, a former president running for president again and who holds leads in the most crucial battleground states. Biden is seeking to clear the field like Vladimir Putin did before his phony election.
Donald Trump is, in fact, the most persecuted man in America — legally and politically. And the Democrat Party media are working 24/7 promoting this injustice with the worst kind of propaganda and lies. Why? Of course, they hate Trump and fear his electability — they don’t want anything to stop the frightening trajectory of their autocratic rule.
But even more, they despise you. Trump must be destroyed because you must be dispirited and acquiesce to one-party rule and the growing police state power of a centralized DC ruling class. By terrorizing Trump they hope to terrorize you. This is typical of an autocracy.
Here’s just some of it: unconstitutional impeachments, relentless Democrat Party-media attacks, attempts to bankrupt him and destroy his businesses with a preposterous statute, the criminalization of the law by Democrat prosecutors in four cases brought in four different jurisdictions and totaling 91 cooked up charges, the use of a criminal warrant and an FBI SWAT team to search his home, the denial of 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th amendment rights denying him free speech, due process, equal protection, attorney-client privilege, competent representation, imposing hugely excessive fines and denying him a jury trial, judges cutting corners and rushing cases before the election, judges with obvious conflicts of interest overseeing cases and the effective suspension of judicial rules of professional conduct , the leaking of his tax returns, multiple efforts to remove him from state presidential ballots, denying him presidential immunity post-presidency, denying him executive privilege protection, the use of grand juries in overwhelmingly hostile cities, bar and criminal attacks on his lawyers, etc

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