Imran Khan: Populist Hero and Pakistan’s Trump on Verge of Death After Never-Trump Biden Official Had Him Imprisoned

The story of the Biden Administration essentially encouraging a color revolution plot to oust the democratically elected Prime Minister Khan is a scandal that hasn’t received sufficient attention. It is also a story of rank hypocrisy. After all, how many times has the Biden Administration falsely accused Russia of meddling in our elections to help Trump? And yet here we have a genuine, egregious, and utterly counterproductive example of direct meddling on the part of the Biden administration. What was Khan’s great offense? Khan had the audacity to go to Russia shortly after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (the trip was entirely pre-planned and in no way constituted an endorsement of the invasion). The true offense is likely much deeper, in that Khan, like Trump, has been a fierce critic of the US war in Iraq, the foreign policy disaster of which Victoria Nuland’s husband Robert Kagan was a chief architect. Readers might remember Robert Kagan for his more recent role at the Washington Post, where his Trump Derangement System stood out even by regime standards, and from whose perch many have suggested he implicitly encouraged (or at least helped to normalize) an assassination attempt on Trump via a tasteless depiction of Julius Caesar. As though his career couldn’t get any more pathetic, Kagan resigned from the Washington Post in disgrace when Jeff Bezos issued the order that the newspaper was not to issue an endorsement of Kamala Harris.

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